The Poly Kids

Helps & FAQs

Welcome to the Poly Kids FAQ section. Here, you'll find answers to the most common questions about our programs, admission process, and the benefits of choosing Poly Kids. We're here to help you make the best decision for your child's early education.


These questions plague parents as well as grandparents who find the idea of sending the apple of their eye to a totally new environment so early in life. So how important are the preschool years?
Extremely important! Let’s understand why

At birth, all of your baby’s organs – the heart, lungs, kidneys- are fully developed, but smaller than an adult’s organs. All except one- the brain. Between the sixth week and fifth month of pregnancy, your baby’s brain grew about 100 billion cells! Some of these brain cells are connected at birth, but most are not.

During the first five years of life (and afterwards at a slower rate), your child’s brain is hard at work connecting these brain cells. And this is the time that most parents and grandparents think that all a child needs is food and rest. On the contrary, at this extremely important time the child needs many planned sensory activities which will help in the rapid and good development of the child’s brain.

Yes because you had the back up of a joint family and also people had time for each other, today even if a child is part of a joint family he spends most of his time watching TV or playing computer games or just eating and sleeping. This causes the child to lose out on important brain development activities The Poly Kids knows this and has the environment to support this kind of brain development. It has a curriculum, equipment and staff that are trained in all of this. It has invested in international brain development techniques and hence has the best environment for your child to grow well.

Even when you buy the best toys, most parents and adults at home end up telling the child, ‘don’t touch’ , whereas at this age the brain requires many sensory experiences and hence at The Poly Kids there is a sensory rich environment for your child, because each time your baby uses one of her senses – seeing tasting, touching, hearing, and smelling – a connection or path is made in the brain. When your child has different kinds of experiences, and these experiences are related over and over again, the connections in the brain become stronger. These connections shape the way your child thinks, feels, behaves, and learns.

Where your child’s brain development is concerned, the earlier the better, so come to the experts and leave the rest to us.

Your child will cry only if he sees you upset, or if you do not reassure him because he is going through the separation anxiety stage. Hence at The Poly Kids all parents are first given a training about how to help their child adjust to the new environment and then only the child starts school. So once the mother is confident the child will naturally be confident and happy. Further the teachers and staff are so warm and caring that you will never feel that they are strangers.

Just like your child’s legs will become bowed or bent for life if you make your child walk before the leg muscles are ready, similarly, the brain will be underdeveloped and unresponsive if the right sensory inputs are not given in the first five years. The damage will be for life. Not being able to retain information, dislike of certain subjects, inability to solve problems on their own, socially awkward, and the list can go on. This can lead to the stunting of the overall development of the brain.

Of course spending quality time with grandparents is one of the best things that you can gift your child. However, do not substitute preschool with it. Both are equally important. 90% of your child’s brain development happens in the first 2 years. His emotional development as well as his language development is also important in these preschool years. Therefore what your child needs is expert care at a good preschool, a school that knows that stress and undue pressure are harmful for brain development. You need to enroll your child in a school that understands children and accepts that play is the work of childhood. Beware of schools that give in to your demands of teaching your child writing and reading too early, too soon. Today, sadly at home a child is spending more and more time doing sedentary activities, playing with battery operated toys and watching television. Instead he should be in a good preschool where there are a host of activities which help in the overall physical, emotional and social skills.

For Playgroup the session begins as soon as the kids attain the age of 1.5 years. For Nursery and LKG the session starts from April and continues up to March Next Year. The school academic year is from April to March. The admission may be granted during other months too depending on the availability of seats.

Playgroup and Nursery admissions are open throughout the year. Admissions to the LKG and UKG close by 1st July of the academic year. We have a system of special admission to the Play Group and Nursery on the auspicious days of the Navratras. A Birth Certificate as a proof of age from the Civic Body is required at the time of registration along with two passport sized photographs which are to be submitted at the time of registration.

Yes, since we limit our batch sizes. The Poly Kids Pre-Schools opens registration for the new academic session by January every year.

The Poly Kids Pre-Schools have liaison with reliable transporters. A van facility is available but for specific locations. You need to check the availability of this service.

The kids transfer facility within our network is offered in all our The Poly Kids Pre-Schools for the benefit of parents having transferable jobs, without any additional cost.

Admission is based on first come first enrolment basis. Reach your nearest The Poly Kids, complete the necessary admission formalities and admit your child.

Where your child’s brain development is concerned, the earlier the better, so come to the experts and leave the rest to us.

The school celebrates birthday by making all decorations and preparations including Ordering Birthday Cake for the Children whose birthday falls in that Particular month. A combined Birthday is celebrated and kids are required to come in Party Dress. You can distribute small sweets through your child if you want.

Our preschool has facilities at par with the best in the world:
• Activity based learning
• Field Trips / Picnics
• Spacious, well-lit premises
• All toys used are educational
• Swings, slides and a bouncy
• Annual day stage shows
• Entertainment time for cartoons and educational movies, DVD shows
• Orientation Sessions for Parents / Grandparents
• Story telling and story creation session
• Regular health and medical Sessions

• Playgroup timing is from 09.00am to 12:00am,
• Nursery timing is from 09.00am to 12.15pm
• LKG onwards timing is from 09.00am to 12.30pm 5 days a week.

As a matter of practice we advise parents not to send sick children to the school. If a child gets sick during the school hours we immediately inform the parent.In case of emergency we give medical treatment is same has been approved by the parents at the time of admission in the admission form.

The specially designed colorful uniform is recommended so that a sense of uniformity is attained.

The specially designed colorful uniform is recommended so that a sense of uniformity is attained.

The Fee Structure is standardized as per branches offering mid day meals and branches which have a tiffin system. There is no other difference. There are no other charges during the year other than those prescribed at the time of admission.

The child to Teacher ratio normally is 1:10 for Playgroup, 1:12 for Classes Nursery onwards.

In the beginning the child is made comfortable in the school by making use of both the languages to express himself. Gradually the child is conditioned to English commands, which is the requirement of the time.

The school believes in learning by doing. There are different activities every week specially to make the children understand the concepts and for motor development , sensory development , Dance and overall development .

The children are trained and lots of practice is given through series of Mock-Interactive Session conducted from time to time. This develops confidence in them. To that end qualified educationists provide expert counselling for parents too.

In case a child doesn’t have that particular colour/theme dress, it is not compulsory for parents to buy a new dress. Rather in some creative way the code can be followed. That color/theme can be a part of a dress and not necessarily be the complete dress. The idea behind having Colour Fridays is to make children learn colors in an interesting way.

Examinations are held twice in a session Half Yearly & Final Exams (Nursery on wards) No exams are held for Playgroup, Report Card is given on class performance. Marking is not done and ranks are not given.

The specially designed colorful uniform is recommended so that a sense of uniformity is attained.

Yes, P.T.M. should preferably be attended by both the parents.

The specially designed colorful uniform is recommended so that a sense of uniformity is attained.